Level 0: Pre-flight operations
0.1 What is the Internet Computer?: In order to understand how to develop dapps on ICP, the first step in the Developer Liftoff is to take a look at the architecture of ICP and how it functions.
0.2 Internet Computer terminology: This page introduces some of the most commonly used terminology that developers should be aware of when building on the Internet Computer.
0.3 Introduction to canisters: This page introduces canisters, their architecture, and discusses the different types of canisters that can be developed.
0.4 Introduction to languages: This page discusses the different languages that can be used to develop dapps, and provide a base-level introduction to the two primarily supported languages: Motoko and Rust.
0.5 Introduction to tooling: This page discusses the developer tooling available for building applications on ICP.
0.6 Deploying your first app: Using ICP Ninja, deploy your first ICP application to the mainnet and learn about project architecture, communication, and interaction.